The 4090 Fund Is the Beneficiary of The Power of One Dram. IDBank And Idram Sum Up the Program. VIDEO

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AMD 3.913.063: here is how much money was gathered for payments made on Idram and IDBank platforms during April. The Power of One Dram initiative allocated the money to the 4090 fund for the provision of tuition fees for about one hundred students who participated in the four-day and 44-day wars.

This is the second cooperation of The Power of One Dram” with the “4090” Foundation, and it was concluded with a warm and pleasant meeting with the beneficiaries of the program, the defenders of the motherland.

In addition to supporting the fund, Idram and IDBank allocated 1.000.000 drams from the collected amount in the form of idplus gift cards in the amount of 40.000 drams each to 25 beneficiaries of the fund for professional literature and other necessary purchases. It should be noted that the support was provided to the graduates of the 2023-2024 school year and the most active students.

According to Tatevik Vardevanyan, head of the communications unit of Idram and IDBank, programs aimed at scientific and educational initiatives run through the companies’ corporate social responsibility policies like a red thread.

“Regarding the cooperation with the “4090” foundation, I should mention that, in addition to the main goal, which is to encourage knowledge and education, it has another extremely important aspect: the idea that we are able to give passion and optimism for life to our boys who went through the war conveys great enthusiasm to us.”

Irina Pahevlanyan, Executive Director of the 4090 Foundation, says:

“This support is extremely important for us, because at the current stage we will be accepting new applications from students of 2024-2025, and the program gives us the opportunity to include new beneficiaries, and Idplus cards are an excellent opportunity to encourage this year’s graduates. The Power of One Dramis really very impressive, because it seems that one dram is a small amount, but in total it brings big changes.”

It is very easy to do good deeds with us. Just make all your payments with the Idram&IDBank application, the companies’ online platforms and terminals, and for each of your payments, Idram and IDBank will transfer the so important one dram to the initiative.


Idplus is a loyalty platform that enables you to get bonuses and cashbacks by making contactless QR-payments, auction your gathered bonuses, gift or receive digital gift cards at any time without visiting a store, regardless of location, use gift cards or accumulated bonuses by shopping with partners, buy fuel cards and save money, track the accumulated bonus points and the entire history of transactions directly in the application.


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