Instagram now lets you edit the cringey DMs that you immediately regret sending

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Instagram has announced a new feature that allows you to edit a direct message — as long as you realize your mistake within 15 minutes.

The edit button will appear when you press and hold the message, and you can alter your response. The app lets the recipient know the message has been edited, but won’t tell them what’s been changed. Before this update, users had to unsend a message, leading to its deletion, if they wanted to undo their mistakes.

You can also switch off read receipts if you don’t want someone to know you’ve seen their message. It can apply to specific people or all your chats. Read receipts can be altered by going to “messaging and story replies” in account settings and toggling the read receipts button off.

You’ll also soon be able to pin three message threads at the top of your inbox. Instead of scrolling through a bunch of messages, you can keep the messages from those you speak to the most up top.

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